Sunday, February 22, 2009

New Laptop

No, I don't have a new laptop, I'm looking for one. Everyone that knows me is sick of hearing me debate the various merits of different brands and discuss the pros and cons of whatever model I'm currently considering.

So far I've learned one thing: buying a laptop is like falling in love. Say you meet someone, and almost instantly there's an attraction. Before you know it, you're dating, and everything is exactly what you wanted--even things that you didn't realize that you wanted until you had them. If that relationship ends, you come away with some pretty high expectations for meeting someone new. You don't want to have to convince yourself you like someone, to talk yourself into a relationship, to make compromises; you want it to seem as natural and instant as it did the last time--you want to just click. Anything else seems like a crappy and pale substitute.

My last (current) laptop was like that. I had been looking for a laptop for a while, and when I saw it, I bought it immediately. It seemed like an impulse purchase, but it was more like love at first sight. Now that I'm looking for a new one (my lappy has served me loyally for 3 years, but I need an upgrade) and I'm having a hard time. I've almost bought one a few times, but it just seemed empty and somehow lacking compared to the relationship I have with my current laptop. Sigh... perhaps I just need to get out more

Quos amor verus tenuit, tenebit.

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