Tuesday, January 6, 2009

I broke down and did a "meme". Don't tell anyone.

Apparently everyone who is cool in the entire blogosphere is doing this. I've never done one before (and generally scorn the entire idea of them) but it's better than making the effort to think of my own clever post.

35 things about 2008 thingymibob:

1. What did you do in 2008 that you’d never done before?
A whole heck of a lot.
-started graduate school
-backpacked Europe
-cut my hair really short
-stood on a scale in an elevator and watched the reading change due to the up/downward acceleration
-and many more exciting things I can't think of at the moment

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I don't really remember what they were, so no, I probably didn't. But yeah, I'll make more. As usual. I see no reason not to.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
My sister in law. Now I'm an aunt!!!! :)

4. Did anyone close to you die?
Ummm... no.

5. What countries did you visit?
Denmark (!!), Norway, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy, Switzerland... maybe one or two others.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
Sanity.... Honestly, there isn't really anything important that I lacked in 2008. I have quite the charmed life. (Maybe I should have a little more gratitude....)

7. What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory and why?
May 21--the day the new Indiana Jones movie came out. And some other stuff happened. ;)

May 31--if ever there were a perfect day, this was it. I felt like I was living something out of a movie. A really good movie. (not sci-fi, though...)

Oct 31--it was a really rough day (think midterm) that turned out okay in the end. Plus it was Halloween so easy to remember the date.

is there a pattern here...?

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Passing all my classes in my first semester of grad school!! Heck, getting accepted to grad school! And getting a 12 on my Interstellar Medium paper. A 12!!!!!

9. What was your biggest failure?
Oh, I dunno.... I dropped the ball on a lot of things this year. Especially this semester was really rough. I guess I feel like I failed at looking outward and seeing other people and what they need, and helping them, because I was feeling pretty self-absorbed a lot of the time.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yes. I had mono and was in bed for almost 2 months. 2 long months... it was horrible. I'd like to say I'm stronger for it, but I'm really not. I still get tired out more easily than I did before getting mono. Perhaps I'm more compassionate, though.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
What did I buy? I can't remember anything really big. New pants (finally)! Awesome Christmas presents for my roommates.

12. Whose behaviour merited celebration?
My little brother was pretty cool. He's turning out to be a pretty good kid, even though he can act like a bratty teenager sometimes. Also, Aaron and I spent an entire month together almost 24/7, and didn't kill each other. That merits something. At least a cookie.

13. Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
Pretty much society in general. And people who do things they shouldn't when they know better.

14. Where did most of your money go?
I wish I knew. ha ha, just kidding. Rent. Groceries. Trip to Denmark over Thanksgiving. Savings account. That's about it.

15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My new niece! My backpacking trip across Europe. Seeing Stonehenge. Going back to Denmark to see all my friends! Astrophysics. FINALLY understanding magnetic reconnection.

16. What song will always remind of you 2008?
Ramt i Natten... because it was on the radio all the freaking time.

17. Compared to this time last year, are:
a)happier or sadder? I don't know... last year was a long time ago. And it's hard to average over an entire year. 2008 had its ups and downs, that's for sure. But I think overall I'm a bit happier, because I got rid of some things in my life that were bringing me down.

b)thinner or fatter? Thinner. Somehow I dropped a pants size or two.

c) richer or poorer? About the same. My net worth is probably slightly lower than it was last year.

18. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Doing homework on time. Working out consistently. Archery.

19. What do you wish you’d done less of?
Procrastinating. Eating junk.

20. Did you fall in love in 2008?
Absolutely. For the first time.

21. What was your favourite TV program?
Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. But that probably doesn't really count... so... I dunno. I watched some House. And Star Trek. I had a brief affair with Psych. That's all I can remember.

22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Not really. Maybe I should check my hate list....
Update: Nate just reminded me that he should be listed here.

23. What was the best book you read?
Mere Christianity. Again.

24. What was your greatest musical discovery?
hahaha. For some reason I just like the way that's phrased. Nothing in the musical world really stands out to me from 2008 as being my "greatest discovery." Oh wait, yes... so there was this one song that I was looking everywhere for but I couldn't remember any of the words or anything, all I knew was that it was an oldie. And I could not for the life of me find the song, and then just about a week ago I was at home with my parents and my dad was listening to Pandora, and the song came on! I shrieked "what's this song called?!" and my dad told me, and gave me a weird look. I was SO happy that I had finally discovered it. I'm not even going to tell you what it was because you'll probably make fun of me, but trust me, it was definitely the greatest musical "discovery" I've made in a long time.

25. What did you want and get?
Cineplexity! And Encore! And new socks. And a bike! Man, what an awesome year this was.

26. What did you want and not get?
New laptop. And a car, but I kinda changed my mind on that one.

27. What was your favourite film of this year?
Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. hahaha, you saw that one coming.
Also, Encounters at the End of the World was good.
And Wall-E. I adored that one.
Hoodwinked wasn't technically this year, but I think I discovered it this year, so I'm counting it.

28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
Talked to Chris. Went to church. Hung out with roommates. Ate pink cupcakes. 26.

29. How you would describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
hahaha. Ask Nate. green pants all the way.

30. What kept you sane?
I'm sane? :P

A certain tree-hugger tried his best. And of course, my other friends, and family.

31. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
I don't know. I'm not really into celebrities all that much.

32. Who did you miss?
My American friends (and family) when I was in Denmark. Especially my favorite cousin Matthew. My Danish friends after I came back to the US. And Catherine every time we were apart for more than a couple hours. :D

33. Who was the best new person you met?
I can't pick just one. I met Troels the end of 2007 but I'll mention him anyway. Also, Chris, Catherine, Ryan, Nate... and probably everyone else that reads this blog that I met in 2008.

34. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
"Some luck lies in not getting what you thought you wanted, but in getting what you have, which once you have got it, you may be smart enough to see, was what you would have wanted had you known..."

35. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
You're so sugar sweet
You may as well have had 'kick me'
Fastened on your sleeve
. . .
Your achilles heel
Is the tendency to dream
But you've know that from the beginning
You didn't have to go so far
You didn't have to go.
. . .
You know what you are
You're gonna be a star.
You know what you are
You're gonna be a star

You know who you are


Took a right to the end of the line
Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.

Ok, neither of these sum up the year, really, but I like them. I'll work on finding a better song.

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