Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What the world wants to do...

A while back Google added a feature where, when you are typing something into the search box, it will attempt to finish what you are typing with popular search phrases. This can be quite useful on occasion (you know, when you don't want to finish typing the whole phrase, and it happens to appear in the list of suggestions). My brother suggested that I type the word "how" into the search box and see what it comes up with, so I did.

how to tie a tie
how i met your mother
how to kiss
how stuff works
how to get pregnant
how to make money
how to lose weight
how to draw
how to make a website

So, my friends, that is what the world most wants to do: tie a tie, kiss, get pregnant (probably in that order), make money, lose weight, draw, and make a website.

Let's hear it for a successful 2009!


Thirdmango said...

I know in the past month I typed one of those phrases into google. Can you guess which one?

Anonymous said...

Actually, they want to kiss, find out how "stuff" works, then get pregnant. (probably in that order)

JM said...

Right you are, Ryan, right you are. :)