Sunday, July 17, 2011

hair and feathers

The other day I got a groupon email with the subject Up to 67% Off Hair or Feather Extensions in Scottsdale. I don't live anywhere near Scottsdale so I'm not sure why they started sending me those deals, but after I read it I started thinking what it would be like if there were two different intelligent species on earth--one that had hair and one that had feathers. Obviously this particular salon caters to both races but there would probably be other places that specialized in one or the other. Would the schools be segregated or integrated? What size/weight would the feather-bearing species be? Could they use the same chairs/staircases/doors/etc as we did or would there have to be separate ones? Would we both work together in the same environment? What if hair fell in love with feathers? Would they be allowed to marry?

PS: I have no idea what "feather extensions" actually are, but I assume it's a type of hair extension (maybe one that's more "feathery"...?).

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