Wednesday, June 15, 2011

JM's world

Sometimes I think I spend a lot of time living in my own little world. I realized this today when I was chatting with a friend online. Once when I was bored (probably on my bike, because what else do you have to do while biking besides come up with weird ideas) I invented some new chat acronyms. What makes these special (other than the fact that no one knows about them but me) is that they are similar to the commonly-used acronyms, so if you type one people will just think you were trying to write one of those, but mis-typed. For instance, LLOL = "literally laughing out loud". It basically means what LOL was supposed to mean except no one uses it to mean that you are actually laughing out loud anymore, they use it to mean "what you said was kind of funny", or, more commonly, "what I just said was sarcastic/joking" (my most hated usage) as in "man i'm tired of work why don't we just run away and live on an island lol". Another one I invented is TYL which resembles TTYL (talk to you later) and is also said at the end of conversations. However, this is used when someone says "I have to go" and you respond with "TYL" which means "take your leave." That's the one I used today which inspired me to write this blog post. (Isn't it great that I don't write for over 2 months and then when I do I write something as pointless as this?)

For some reason it makes me happy to throw these "secret acronyms" into a chat conversation even though the other party doesn't even know what they mean. I'm not sure why that is, but it probably means I'm socially awkward or something.

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