Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Update--not quite homeless anymore :)

I just found out where we will be meeting on Sundays for a while. It it called the First Church in Cambridge, Congregational U.C.C. I managed to find a couple of pictures of it, and it looks like a nice building. It was built in 1871. "The exterior of the building illustrates the early Gothic revival period while the sanctuary interior is eclectic with Victorian, Byzantine, and contemporary elements. The stained glass windows by the Tiffany, Lafarge and Cummings studios provide a colorful and lively environment." Also, it's only a couple blocks away from where our church was, and the best part is that they are keeping Longfellow Park 1st and 2nd wards together (we used to meet at the same time, but with opposite schedules so one ward had sacrament meeting first while the other was having RS/Priesthood, then we had Sunday School all together, which was awesome), so I don't have to say goodbye to all my awesome friends in 2nd ward!!! I was so happy when I heard that news!

This church is so nice to let us use their building! According to Bishop Hafen (who was the one to took us skydiving on Saturday, incidentally), "They have opened their arms to us and offered their building without reservation." So kind.

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