Sunday, January 18, 2009

Why I love Ryan

(even though he went to Bertucci's without me...)

Ryan is funny. No, funny does not begin to describe it: he is downright hilarious. Unfortunately his jokes are sometimes so subtle they are completely lost on people. Sometimes he will say something and I will start laughing and everyone else missed it so they just look at me like I'm a moron. (I'm used to getting that look, though. :P) Once Ryan put his Facebook status as "Ryan's suitcase happened in Vegas." This was probably the funniest thing I had heard all day and I couldn't stop laughing about it. Usually when Ryan says something I find amusing I say "I love you, Ryan!" He once stated that when I say "I love you" to him, I really mean "I think what you just said is really funny." Which may be true. :P

One time I was hanging out with Ryan and his girlfriend watching a movie. Midway through it Ryan said "Hey JM, if you want to go in the other room it's fine... just FYI." ha ha ha. I stayed and watched the whole movie anyway.

Ryan is also very intelligent (which is another reason I like his humor). And he's a very nice guy. He's considerate and thoughtful and he notices and remembers little things that most people don't notice, or forget. One time we were talking about games and I told him how much I loved the game Encore. Much later, he bought it for me for Christmas. I was so surprised (and delighted) that he even remembered I liked/wanted that game.

All in all, Ryan is a great guy. I'm lucky to know him.

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