Sunday, November 23, 2008

a list :)

potatoes(til mos eller bage kartofler) 6 kg.
tomatoes ca. 6 stk.
letuce, 1 hoved iceberg
cucumbers, 2 stk.
carrots, 1 kg.
rolls (frozen) 2 poser
soda 6 x 2 l.
eggs 6 stk.
apples 5 stk.
icecream 2 l. billig vanilie is
cream ½ l.
party poop(er) 5 stk.
flour 1 pk.
brun maizena jævner 1 pk.
oil 1 fl.
butter(bagemagarine) 1 pk.

this was made by the whole collective. i don't take credit for the weirdness. or at least not all of it.

having a good time in denmark. wish you were here.

1 comment:

alainapaina said...

I think the party poop(er) item needs more prominence. Its place on the list doesn't indicate its great importance. And didn't we agree on 6 party poop(er)s?