Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A day in the life of JM

7:13 am: cell phone alarm goes off; hit snooze
7:14 am: drift off wondering just how big of a natural disaster it would take for classes to be canceled
7:22 am: alarm goes off again; turn it off
7:23 am: decide it's too cold to get out of bed, pick up my laptop instead to reply to all the emails I've gotten during the night... accidentally lean on my phone with my elbow and somehow manage to call my brother. it's 5:23 am for him. oops.
7:29 am: decide that neither Special Offers from Zions Bank,, Kayak Buzz Daily Alert, nor CNN Breaking News necessitate a reply
7:30 am: check MSN to see if various friends are online. Say hi. practice Danish.
7:47 am: get out of bed, say hi to roommates, eat breakfast
7:55 am: fail to convince myself I don't need a shower. take shower.
8:05 am: get ready to go, practice making faces in the mirror
8:25 am: realize all my roommates are gone already. skip around the house singing Broadway songs in various fake accents. pause for a dramatic rendition of "The Raven"
8:30 am: make lunch, pack backpack
8:40 am: leave to catch train
8:44 am: arrive at train stop just soon enough to see train leaving before I can reach it. wait for next train.
9:20 am: arrive at school
9:22 am: search the web to find out who played Mr. Magorium
9:23 am: email professor "It was Dustin Hoffman! I can't believe we couldn't remember that!"
9:30 am: class
11:00 am: 'nother class
12:00 pm: return to office (starving!), eat lunch, wish I had packed more lunch
12:05 pm: do RP homework frantically to get it done by class at 2:30
2:29 pm: finish scribbling some unintelligible answers, staple homework, run to class
2:30 pm: class
2:32 pm: get last homework assignment back (graded)
2:33 pm: crack up laughing due to professor's witty responses to my equally witty (and occasionally snide) commentary in homework
2:33:30 pm: stop laughing upon realization that laughter is not a normal response to looking at graded homework, and my classmates are now looking at me funny and shifting their chairs away from me
2:34 pm: remember a new danish word I learned, "hen", which my book claims "has no equivalent in modern English, but indicates movement away from the speaker"... wish English had an equivalent. decide to make one.
3:00 pm: nap
3:20 pm: realize class is not the best place for a nap... try to look interested. write to-do list in my notebook so it looks like I'm taking notes.
4:00 pm: back to office. wish I had brought more cookies. start working on homework.
4:17 pm: friend asks what I'm doing on Google Talk
4:18 pm: watch a youtube video
4:27 pm: exclaim "hence! English does have an equivalent!!!"
4:45 pm: start to get ready to teach lab
4:50 pm: set up lab
5:00 pm: teach lab
6:30 pm: kick remaining student out of lab, return to office

... to be continued because I'm sick of writing this now :)

1 comment:

Thirdmango said...

Wow, that is amazingly impressive.