Here is a mostly boring update of what I have been doing since I got here:
I arrived in Denmark on Wednesday morning at around 11:30--an hour earlier that scheduled. Awesome. I hung out until Jokke came to pick me up (in a car!) and then we took my stuff to Troels' house because I couldn't move into my new place until that night. We hung out for a while and then decided to go to the Taco Shop for lunch (met up with Chris there). So I ate Danish Mexican food for my first meal back in Denmark. Yum. Afterward I fell asleep during a movie and eventually my new roommate was home and we took my stuff over.
My new place is nice. My room is huge, I have my own bathroom (such as it is), and there is a pizza place on the corner across from me. That will definitely come in handy, I'm sure. I love pizza. My roommate is super clean and awesome enough to let me use all her kitchen stuff, so I will actually be able to cook! yay!
Speaking of cooking, I finally broke down and went grocery shopping today (Sat) because I decided to stop mooching off my friends. I am leaving tomorrow for a conference in Germany so I didn't want to buy too much food and then leave it for a week. But yesterday I found out that there is a boil order on the water in Copenhagen (due to some contamination because of all the rain and flooding lately) so I wanted to pick up some bottled water. Thankfully the store I went to actually had some. I grabbed a few other things too, and I spoke Danish the entire time I was in the store (mostly because I didn't have to say much other than "excuse me, yes, no, thanks, etc"). :)
The grocery store is a 7-minute walk from my house, and will be very convenient on a bike, whenever I actually get one. There is also an S-train station 5 minutes away from me, and of course Troels' place is about 5 minutes away too (where I am right now, coincidentally). Yay.
I went to Niels Bohr Institute yesterday to check in and get keys and everything. It was pretty cool. I saw some old friends and met some new people. I'm excited to start working there.
I was going to go to the police bike auction this morning at 8:30 am but then I decided to sleep in instead because I was really tired. So I'm still in the process of bike shopping and I will probably try to borrow one from someone for a little bit until I get my own.
That's pretty much it. I fly out to Germany tomorrow. Hopefully I can make it all the way to Potsdam and to the conference and not get lost or anything. Wish me luck!